姓名:胡金龙 职称:讲师 办公地点:365英国上市官网在线 365英国上市官网在线 电子邮件:hujinlong1989@126.com |
胡金龙,男,1989年,汉族,湖南岳阳人,博士学历,365英国上市官网在线硕士生导师,主要从事新能源材料与器件开发的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、湖南省自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金项目各1项。以第一作者或共同一作在Advanced Energy Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Solar RRL, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Journal of Power Sources等国际权威学术期刊上发表论文10余篇,其中SCI1区9篇,总影响因子100+,他引次数达到1000余次。
2011.09-2018.12 湖南大学 化学工程与技术专业博士学位(硕博连读)
2014.11-2018.03 上海交通大学材料化学 联合培养
2007.09-2011.06 湖南理工学院化学教育 学士学位
2021.06-至今 365英国上市官网在线 365英国上市官网在线 任教
2019.03-2021.05 暨南大学新能源技术研究院 博士后
(1) 2020年 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助(2020M683190,二等,8万元),结题
(2) 2021年 365英国上市官网在线新进博士科研启动基金,10万元,在研
(3) 2022年 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (62205103,30万元),在研
(4) 2023年 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目(2023JJ40216,5万元),在研
[1]Jinlong Hu,#Chuan Wang,#Shudi Qiu,etal.,Spontaneouslyself-assembly of a 2D/3Dheterostructureenhances theefficiency andstability inprintedperovskitesolarcells.AdvancedEnergy Materials2020, 10, 2000173. (IF = 25.245,TOP期刊,SCI1区,ESI高被引论文)
[2]Chaoran Chen#,Jinlong Hu#,*, Zhenhua Xu et al., Natural methionine-passivated MAPbI3perovskite films for efficient and stable solar devices.Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials20214, 1261-1269.(IF =20.1,共同一作加第一通讯,SCI1区)
[2]Jinlong Hu,Xin Xu, Yijun Chen,etal.,Overcoming photovoltage deficit via natural amino acid passivationfor efficient perovskite solar cells and modules.Journal of Materials Chemistry A2021, 9, 5857-5865.(IF =11.301,TOP期刊,SCI1区)
[3]Jinlong Hu,Jiang You, Chang Peng,etal.,Polyfluorenecopolymers ashigh-performanceholetransportmaterials forinvertedperovskitesolarcells.SolarRRL2020, 4, 1900384.(IF = 7.527,SCI1区)
[4]Jinlong Hu,Chuanlong Li, Le Li, et al.,Phytic acid assisted preparation of high-performance supercapacitorelectrodes from noncarbonizable polyvinylpyrrolidone.Journal of Power Sources2020,448,227402.(IF = 8.247,TOP期刊,SCI1区)
[5]Chuan Wang,#Jinlong Hu,#Chaohui Li, et al.,Spiro-linkedmolecularhole-transportmaterials forhighlyefficientinvertedperovskitesolarcells.SolarRRL2020, 4, 1900389.(IF = 7.527, SCI1区)
[6]Jinlong Hu,Wenxin He, Shudi Qiu, et al.,Nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbons prepared via freeze-dryingassisted carbonization for high-performance supercapacitors.Applied Surface Science2019,496,143643.(IF = 6.182,TOP期刊,SCI1区)
[7]Jinlong Hu, Xiaowei Li, Le Li,etal.,In situ preparation of uniform and ultrafine SnO2nanocrystals anchored within a mesoporouscarbon network as advanced anode materials.InorganicChemistryFrontiers2018,5, 378.(IF = 5.958,TOP期刊,SCI 2区)
[8]Wenxin He#,Jinlong Hu#, Chaoran Chen#, et al.,Temperature-assisted crystal growthofphotovoltaic ɑ-phase FAPbI3thin films by sequential bladecoating.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2020, 12, 55830-55837.(IF = 8.758,TOP期刊,SCI1区)
[10]Jinlong Hu, Jian Song, Donghui Lan*, et al., Ultrathin CoOOH/Co(OH)2hybrid nanosheets for high-performance anodes of lithium-ion batteries,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2023, 935, 168076.(IF = 6.2, TOP期刊,SCI 2区)
[11] Hongwei Lai#,Jinlong Hu#, Xinming Zhou, et al., Suppressing bulk and interfacial recombination losses in Sn–Pb perovskites for efficient printable low-bandgap photovoltaic devices, Solar RRL 2022, 2200619. (IF = 7.527, SCI 1区)